Engage. Inspire. Empower.

Vision, Mission, Distinction & Beliefs

Vision and Mission 

Established in August 2005, Challenger Early College High School is a nontraditional public, selected enrollment high school and joint oversight project of the Catawba Valley Education Consortium, which includes Catawba County Schools, Alexander County Schools, Hickory City Schools, Newton-Conover City Schools, and Catawba Valley Community College. The school vision is for each student to be ready for college, careers, and life in the 21st Century by virtue of and commitment to full fidelity to the early college model and design principles. Our mission’s motto is that we are “Building College-Ready, Lifelong Learners.”


CHALLENGER school colors are Purple and Silver and the CHALLENGER mascot is the Phoenix. A Phoenix, the mythical Firebird of purple hue, is a symbol of renewal showing continuous revitalization toward the school vision. We affectionately call ourselves the Phoenix nickname: Firebirds.



Statement of Beliefs 

Meeting the needs of our students come first. We hold that the new and innovative methods we are establishing are
both necessary and critical to our students’ success in the 21st century.
Therefore we also believe: 

Every student deserves access to and is most often successful in a learning environment of high expectations and support that includes training in intellectual risk-taking, critical thinking, and creativity. 

Every student’s academic potential is maximized in an educational setting that moves away from traditional methodology and is designed around the most current research-based best practices and 21st century skills. 

Every student finds powerful academic and social success in school environments where nurturing relationships and positive dialogue exist among students, among staff, between staff and students, and between staff and parents. 

Every student is more successful in college, career, and life when engaged in rigorous high school courses. Best teaching practice involves coaching towards self-directed learning that results in measurable gains in performance.

Every student deserves rich diverse experiences in the classroom complemented by a wide range of well-designed and directed co- and extra-curricluar activities, events, and experiences. 

Every student’s success is linked to personal ownership in his/her educational process.

Every student should be an informed, responsible, and active participant in a democratic society. 

Every student benefits when parents and community members are actively involved and engaged in the education process.

Building College-Ready, Lifelong Learners